Dagstuhl 2022: Graph Databases and Network Visualization
Jan 31, 2022, 3 minute read

Pavel Klinov, Stardog VP of Research and Development, is back from the Dagstuhl Seminar on Graph Databases and Network Visualization, held at the Leibniz Center for Informatics in Germany from January 16 – 21, 2022. We asked him about his experience.

Discover the Overlooked ROI of an Enterprise Knowledge Graph Platform
Colleen Luther
Dec 8, 2021, 3 minute read

Data spans wide and runs deep across enterprises. It’s often tucked into pockets and silos. If data hasn’t been all brought together yet, it can be incredibly difficult to parse the exact business value of doing so. Data modernization and innovation can be tough to nail down in terms of ROI.

How to Build a Semantic Search Engine Using a Knowledge Graph
Chris Hall
Aug 30, 2021, 6 minute read

In contrast to typical enterprise search solutions, knowledge graph-powered search returns fewer, more relevant results, reducing time spent searching up to 90%. A knowledge graph improves search by capturing the meaning of the search terms. Read on to learn how to build a semantic search application using a knowledge graph.

5 Steps to Building a Data Fabric
Chris Hall
Aug 25, 2021, 8 minute read

We hear from many of our customers that they’re interested in building a data fabric, but they’re not sure how to get started. Luckily, with a knowledge graph-based approach, you can start small and grow your data fabric over time. In this post, we’ll share an easy, approachable 5-step process for getting started with a data fabric.

Video interview: 2 Experts Discuss Graph and NLP
Chris Hall
Jul 15, 2021, 10 minute read

Two experts from Stardog and Stardog partner Lymba sat down to discuss trends in graph and NLP. Read on to find a transcript of some highlights from their conversation and a full video of the interview!

Quick Visual Analysis using Charts in Stardog Studio
Laura Firey
Jun 10, 2021, 2 minute read

Visualizing your data is a great way to eyeball your analysis and share the results with colleagues. Stardog is making this easier with a new feature in Studio: Stardog Charts.

Virtual Graphs Deliver Sub-Second Query Times and 98% Cost Savings
Chris Hall
Jun 8, 2021, 7 minute read

Our latest benchmark report proves a 1 trillion-triple knowledge graph consisting of materialized data and Virtual Graphs spanning hybrid multicloud data sources.

Discover Connections in your Data Fabric with Stardog Explorer
Laura Firey
May 11, 2021, 2 minute read

With our new tool Stardog Explorer, it’s easier than ever to search, browse, and understand connected data. No querying, no code — just an intuitive interface that anyone can use. Read on to learn more.

How the Inter-American Development Bank Built FindIt, a Semantic Search Platform
Caitlyn Lynch
Apr 21, 2021, 7 minute read

Learn how IDB built FindIt, a semantic search platform that brings knowledge generated by the IDB Group to its staff and external audiences.

How ITV Improves Customer Experience through Optimizing Rights Management
Natalie Clark
Apr 20, 2021, 3 minute read

Learn how ITV leverages Stardog to transform its rights service, maximizing exploitation and distribution opportunities and increasing viewer engagement.

Five Tips: Data Modeling for Data Fabric Success
Natalie Clark
Apr 6, 2021, 6 minute read

The key to success with a data fabric is to approach it with an MVP mindset and do strictly the minimal work to accomplish the first significant tranche of business value. Here are five tips to ensure success.

Data Fabric 101: The Next Generation of Enterprise IT
Chris Hall
Apr 1, 2021, 4 minute read

Data fabric is ushering in a new era of enterprise IT. Data fabric offers a different way forward and one that’s a significant departure from the world of rows and columns in a table that we’re used to. But what outcomes does a data fabric really promise? Read on to learn more.
